
搖曳水影 | Swaying Effects | ゆらりと水影

創作者 | 林靖祐 + 沁弦國際設計
媒材 | 鋼材、鏡子、燈具
Steel, Mirror, Lighting Fixtures

說明 |
〈搖曳水影〉為〈划水仙-光之渠〉的系列互動燈光裝置,民眾可坐於如椅凳般的裝置上,以身體的搖動力使裝置產生相應的光影效果; 彷如行者乘著小船,搖曳的船身划破水面, 波光粼粼、水影生姿。

Swaying Effects consists of a series interactive lighting installations that conceptually associated with Hua Shuixian –The Canal of Light. When a participant sits on the device and sways, it will cast corresponding light and shadow effects on the ground such as a sailor riding a boat, a swaying hull and paddles skimming over the waters surface on sparkling beautiful ripples.


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