林建榮 |海安亮起來

海安亮起來 Lighting up Haian

創作者 |林建榮
媒材 |不鏽鋼、PE罩、FRP、 LED電子光源控制器、帆布輸出

熙來攘往的海安路上,人車總是擁擠匆忙,藝術家試圖為海安路打開一片開闊的藍天;燈泡人坐在雲端凝視過往人們,是否願意一起放慢腳步、過浮雲般的生活?夜間的光影讓靜態雕塑有了呼吸,造型可愛卻似乎有著獨特想法的燈泡人,如吐著緩慢氣息般地明滅,彷彿正自顧自的沉思,又像是與觀賞者對話, 或者,那其實是觀賞者自己心底深處閃爍著微弱聲音的小小亮光?

On Haian Road, the traffic is always heavy. The artist attempts to bring the open blue sky to the street. The bulbman is sitting on the top of clouds and looking down people passing by. He wonders whether any one would like to slow down and enjoy a more relaxing life. Light at night time gives life to the still sculpture, the cute bulbman with his inquiry. The flickering light represents the breathing and thinking of bulbman as well as the dialogue with viewers or even maybe the thoughts of viewers from the bottom of their heart? 

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