都市藝術工作室 |艸艸 Grasses & Grasses

Grasses & Grasses

創作者 |都市藝術工作室
媒材 |黑、白色塑料束帶、防水冰條燈(藍光、黃光)

方正區域內的草坪,茂密而整齊地生長著,卻呈現詭譎的無色彩:20萬條捆綁電線、雜物的塑料束帶一根根被串起,由無機物搖身變為有機生命樣貌;然而束帶之間仍種植有真實的小草–日常生活中常見到、卻不起眼的小東西,在材質轉換與虛實對應間,產生了微妙的能量。兩處「艸艸」,更與各自週邊的作品(牆的記性丶Line House) 產生連結。

Grass within the square area grows in highly dense and neat order, but it has a mysterious presentation without color: 200,000 strips of electrical wire without the plastic coverings, transform inorganic objects into organic organisms. Between the strips, real grass grows- like that we see in daily life, something small has a mysterious power due to the transformation of material in use. The two types of grasses interact with their surroundings (Blue Print and Line House).