陳彥旭 |Glnfinite


創作者 |陳彥旭

連結海安路即將啟動的地下街再造與未來整體規劃,創作者試圖讓觀賞者的視線藉由本作品「穿透」地面,以明亮的天空,描繪出「地底」那個充滿希望與想像的「天空之城」。觀賞者彷彿站在雲端,親近天邊的彩虹與飛翔的和平鴿, 而一旁的水溝蓋,更反轉成為擎天大柱的頂端。作品由地面延伸至一旁原預設為地下街入口的突出物,噴泉由突出物立面開始流瀉,形成於「實體二維空間上呈現視覺3D」的效果多重顛覆空間關係。

The connection project of Haian Road imitates the rebuilding of the underground business district and future integrative planning. The artist attempts to guide the viewers to “see through” the underground through this artwork. The bright sky portrays a “sky city” full of hope and imagination in regard to the “underground.”  Viewers are inspired to approach rainbows and peace doves in the sky, and the drain cover on the side has been transformed into the top of a big column reaching to the sky. The artwork has been extended to an extrusion on the entrance to the underground business district, forming a running spring, “3D illusion effect on the two dimensional space,” diversely converting the spatial relationship.

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