藝術家/團隊|陳怡潔 CHEN Yi-Chieh 作品材質|不鏽鋼板、金屬烤漆、金屬鐵件、LED燈條 Materials|Stainless steel plates, metal paint, metal fittings, LED light strips ステンレス板、金属コーティング、鉄、LEDテープライト
This installation features seats around a floral platform designed with a ripple effect to represent the hydrology of Tainan’s wetlands. Above, abstract figures of the characters of Japanese animation, along with flying black-faced spoonbills, begin their journey from these wetlands, traveling through time from the past and present of Hai’an Road into the future. This dynamic and imaginative surreal wetland landscape flows and evolves in every corner of Tainan……