2018年的「 街道美術館PLUS」,更納入堪稱府城伸展台的中正路,以「城市伸展台-點亮臺南中正路」與「城市的聲音-輕輕敲響海安路」雙主題,在這大十字路線上佈滿二十多組藝術家為臺南量身打造最貼近城市特質的40件裝置藝術,讓中正路與海安路風華再現,更讓城市生活充滿創意與無限可能。
How many possibilities and creative opportunities are there in a city ? Streets in Tainan are not only streets. A street can be a runway, a big clock, or even a museum!
Tainan is fascinating because it combines the beauty of the old and the new. In 2003, the Hai-an Street Museum project was jointly launched by local residents, the public sector and artists in hopes of using art to heal the city and initiate a series of exciting and experimental urban regeneration projects. Over the past fourteen years, the once fragmented spaces along Haian Road have become a beautiful new world.
In 2018, the STREET MUSEUM OF ART+ project went a step further to incorporate Zhongzheng Road, which is known as the “urban runway”, into the scope. The project centers on two themes: “Sounds of the City – Ringing Haian Road” and “Runway of the City – Light up Tainan Zhongzheng Road”, creating over 40 installation artworks along Zhongzheng Road and Haian Road to reflect the nature of Tainan and revitalize these two roads. With this project, the city will have unlimited creative opportunities and possibilities.
Walking in an international city and hearing bells ring, you can feel the rhythm of the city and achieve peace of mind. You will be able to achieve such peace of mind along Haian Road.
Haian Road is assuming a new role in Tainan – it will announce the time through art works. From 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., bells will ring on an hourly basis to announce the time. Artists create installation art works using ventilation towers from the underground car park. The works will take turns to announce the time through sounds, lights, colors and rhythms. The streetscapes will be different because of these works.
Some of these works record the sounds of Tainan, for example, voices in markets and temples as well as tide sounds. All of these elements will bring warmth to the memory of the city. Some works use lights and shadows to decorate the streets, amazing onlooking pedestrians. There are also works made of light bulbs. These works resemble people. You will not feel lonely when walking on the streets. With these works, people and the city live in harmony, creating the most beautiful urban scenery.
曾被稱為末廣町的中正路,集結著各異其趣的特色建築,以及推陳出新的潮流時尚,從日治時期就是流行服飾、高價舶來品、鐘錶金飾的匯聚之地;百年來幾經繁華起落、如今仍充滿時尚創意的中正路,在2018「 街道美術館PLUS」中,重新展現她作為城市伸展台的自信與魅力。
在「城市伸展台 – 點亮臺南中正路」這個主題中,筆直的中正路就是城市最佳伸展台,而在舞台上走秀的是臺南可愛的人們、店家、服飾精品,以及藝術裝置;這個伸展台,串連起人們對美與流行的想望,也串起了臺南的過去和未來。而藝術品則隨著中正路的「時尚華服」、「精工精品」、「年輕潮流」、「遊步場」等四種面向,在古蹟的騎樓及戶外空間,結合視覺性強烈、互動性的科技創作,帶給人們對中正路的更多想像。
There are many unique buildings and shops that sell fashionable items along Zhongzheng Road, which was also called Suehirocho. Since the Japanese ruling period, Zhongzheng Road has been a place that is full of shops that sell fashionable clothes, high-end imports, watches, and jewellery. Zhognzheng Road has remained fashionable throughout history despite the rise and fall of the city. In 2018, with the STREET MUSEUM OF ART+ , the road again is showcasing its glory and beauty.
Zhogzheng Road is straight. Therefore, it is the best runway in the city. People, shops, clothes, accessories and installation art along the road are connected by the theme “Runway of the City – Light up Tainan Zhongzheng Road”. The runway not only connects people’s imagination for beauty and fashion but also Tainan’s history and future. Artwork installed along the sidewalks and in the outdoor spaces is created based on four themes: boutique clothing, jewllery, youth and fashion, and playgrounds. With visual effects and interactive technologies, the art works inspire people’s imaginations for Zhongzheng Road.
昔は末広町と呼ばれていた中正路では、独特の建物が集まり、そして新しいファッショントレンドが相次ぐ発生していますので、都市は日本時代からはファッション、高価な輸入品、時計、アクセサリーの集散地として知られており、盛衰を経て百年を歩んできました。今もファッションと創造性に満ちている中正路の通りは、「ストーリト アート ミュージアム プラス2018」を通して、都市のランウェイとしての自信と魅力を再現しました。