CLAS x 親愛的工作室 | 漪

漪 | Yi | 漪(さざ波)

創作者 | CLAS x 親愛的工作室 CLAS x Oh Dear Studio
媒材 |
Stainless steel panel, insulation paint

說明 |
作為〈漣/漪〉的其中一部分,〈漪〉隨著新設的海安路造景泛起了三道曲線座椅,與〈漣〉交會再錯開。弧形的椅面供人或坐或躺,伴隨著<漣> 所圈出的圓,構成一個人與人、時與空交會的場域。

Yi (i.e., chair) derives from the existing paths and emerges from the ground. It leads the convergence and divergence of people within the translucent screens, invites guests to experience the changes of spatial scale and the effects of surface, and lastly, to join the flow of past memories and future imaginations of Hai-An Road.
